
要报告紧急情况,请拨打911,然后拨打公共安全电话 812-535-6400. 在校园里,拨分机6400.



拉响火警警报 位于每个走廊的尽头. 注:居民应熟悉这些报警箱的位置.

  1. 拨打911 并告知火灾的确切地点.
  2. 拨打公共安全电话. 6400

警报将会响起,整个大楼将被疏散. 如果天气或时间允许,居住者将被转移到另一栋楼.

  • 如果你在房间里,把窗户关上
  • 如果有烟雾,用湿毛巾呼吸
  • 离开房间,关上门
  • 使用楼梯井,不要使用电梯
  • If the fire is outside the door remain in the room near the window so that firemen can locate you

Each building has a fire panel that indicates the location of the 报警 or detector that has been triggered. 公共安全 will go to the indicated location to verify that there is indeed a fire 和 if a dangerous situation is present the fire department will be notified.

No one will be allowed to reenter the building until the fire department gives the all clear sign to 公共安全.



公共安全 和 emergency responders will notify occupants if a 龙卷风 warning has been received from the National Weather service.

  • 住户将由公共安全部门指导, 居住助理或职员到建筑物的最低和最中间的一层.
  • Keep persons away from windows 和 do not let anyone exit the building until the danger has passed 和 the all clear has been given by 公共安全


如果需要救护车,请拨911 并表明你的身份和你在校园里的具体位置.

  • Call 公共安全 和 inform them that you have called an ambulance so that they can assist in directing the response team.
  • If it is a student that has suffered an injury, the resident assistant on call should be informed.
  • 如果是教职员工,应通知人力资源总监.



  • Stay calm 和 assess your situation; if you are inside, stay inside; if you are outside, 呆在外面.
  • If indoors, take cover under a heavy desk, table, in a supported doorway, or along an inside wall. 在地震停止前不要离开房间、大厅或建筑物.
  • 如果在室外,远离建筑物和电线.
  • 不要使用蜡烛或明火.
  • If in a moving vehicle, stop as quickly as possible 和 stay in the vehicle until the shaking stops.

在震动平息之后, 人员应离开建筑物/车辆,如有需要,应寻求医疗护理. 请注意,可能会有更多的震动.



  • 立即通知公共安全部门持械人员的具体位置.
  • Do not approach the person 和 keep yourself 和 others away from the area until you receive instructions from 公共安全 or law enforcement officials.

Officials of the College in consultation with 公共安全 和 local law enforcement will determine the need to lock down a facility or evacuate the building.

  • 如果一栋楼被封锁了, 公共安全 和 designated College personnel will give directives to those in the building in question.
  • A text alert 和 email marked urgent will be sent informing the community of the necessary steps to take to prevent interaction with the intruder 和/or law enforcement.


In the event that a bomb threat has been received the fire 报警 in the targeted building(s) will be activated:

  • 居住者将被指示撤离大楼
  • 我们会联系执法部门
  • 居住者可能会被引导到另一栋建筑避难,直到威胁被消除



  • 在逃避 拨打911
  • Report the attack to 公共安全 or a resident assistant 和 give as much information as possible about the attacker. 我们会联系执法部门.
  • 公共安全部门将确保受害者的安全,必要时将联系医疗服务部门.
  • 通知第九条协调员, Kari沃尔夫 or BJ莱利,如果你目击或收到性侵犯发生的信息.

无骚扰环境政策 (includes information on how to file a complaint when you have been sexually assaulted or harassed)


Notify 公共安全 和 the 负责学生事务的副校长 if a student has been missing from campus for 24 hours 和 no one has been able to make contact with the person.


  • 如果校园内发生死亡博彩平台网址大全,请立即通知公共安全部门.
  • If notification of a death is received from an external source the following persons are to be contacted: 负责学生事务的副校长, 负责学术事务的副校长和校长.


如果你收到来自家庭成员的信息, you are to notify the 负责学生事务的副校长 or the 负责学术事务的副校长. Often the family member wants a staff person to inform the student of the news or at least wants someone to be with the student when they receive the news. 博彩平台网址大全工作人员,包括RA和RCA(掩护工作人员)将跟进支持.



举报犯罪,请致电SMWC公共安全部门 812-535-6400. 使用校园电话时,请使用6400联系公共安全. 对于医疗紧急情况或火灾,请在联系公共安全之前拨打9-1-1. 在停车场看到任何可疑活动或人员或在车辆周围闲逛, 建筑物内, 或在宿舍附近,应向公安部门报告. 此外,你可向以下地区举报罪案:


圣玛丽森林学院 encourages anyone with knowledge of a crime on or off campus to report it. 为了最大限度地保证校园安全并协助及时调查, 请向公共安全部门报告任何可能属于他杀的博彩平台网址大全, non-negligent 和 negligent manslaughter); sex offenses (forcible, non-forcible); robbery; aggravated assault; burglary; motor vehicle theft; arson; 和 any hate crime for inclusion in the Annual Campus Security Report. 举报并不意味着你必须采取法律行动. 它可能, 然而, help 公共安全 officers to stop further incidents as well as keep the community informed about criminal activity.

如需亲自报案,请到公共安全办公室或博彩平台网址大全办公室. 公共安全办公室位于乐费尔大厅的底层, 博彩平台网址大全办公室对面的032室, 在027房间. 要用电话报告,请打电话 812-535-6400 向警官描述一下情况. 在紧急情况下,包括火灾和医疗紧急情况,请拨打911. 如果另一个人有空,请他们拨打公共安全电话 812-535-6400 to alert them to the 911 emergency 和 to give them as many details about the emergency as possible.

圣玛丽森林学院 students requiring non-emergency medical care may contact the 健康服务诊所 at 812-535-5200 (ext. 5200(校园)接受医疗护理或转介到外部提供者. 寻求咨询服务的学生可以联系咨询办公室 812-535-5102 (ext. 5102在校园内).


If you are the victim of a crime 和 do not want to pursue action with the College system or the criminal justice system, 你可能还是要考虑做一份机密报告. With your permission, 公共安全 can file a report on the details of the incident on your behalf. The purpose of a confidential report is to comply with your wish to keep the matter confidential, 同时采取措施确保自己和他人未来的安全. 有了这些信息, 学院可以准确记录涉及学生的博彩平台网址大全数量, 确定某一特定地点的犯罪模式, 方法或攻击者, 并提醒校园社区注意潜在的危险. Reports filed in this manner are counted 和 disclosed in the annual crime statistics for the institution.


当你向公共安全办公室报案时, 一名警官将会见你, 听听发生了什么, 和, 如果有必要的话, 做初步报告. They may also ask that you speak with a member of the Campus Life staff or a member of law enforcement. 如果你还需要做什么,他们会给你建议的. 在向当地警察或治安官提出指控的情况下, 你可能会被要求签署一份逮捕令.

You are encouraged to report any criminal activity even if you don’t want to take legal action in order to help us maintain accurate statistical records. Campus Life is responsible for preparing the College’s Annual Campus Security Report 和 for obtaining the compiled crime statistics that are included in this report from 公共安全. The information you report may require the College to issue a Crime Alert if it is determined by the Vice President of Operations that the circumstances warrant such action.


Victims or witnesses to criminal activity occurring off campus should contact the agency that has jurisdiction:

